Monday, November 30, 2015

Grab the Dream Catcher Series Box Set Today!

I loved writing the Dream Catcher Series and have been very excited about releasing it as a complete box set! Not only was the story of undeniable love between Stephanie and Chaz one of my favorites to write, I fell in love with a few of those supporting characters, too. You can see from the first chapter through the last that love, trust, and admiration are woven throughout each story line and into every relationship. I couldn't imagine these amazing people facing true danger without those traits to strengthen them for what lay ahead.

As my first series, these books brought a lot of new readers and an amazing amount of support. So, this collection is being offered as a Thank You but only for a short time -- December 1st through February 29th.

The series is suspenseful and sexy, and it's right on time to be that final gift for Christmas or Valentine's Day. If you've only read one of the books (or have a friend who hasn't read any), this the perfect opportunity to have them all. You'll also save a little money by grabbing them together.

Get the set now for only $4.99 on Amazon.