
Love attacks the glue of their two bonded families; while the slow tug of success pulls Edy and Hassan in opposite directions. After denying their feelings for so long, they now have each other, but are forced to ask themselves if being together is worth it.
My review: (5 Stars)
This book was incredible with a moving story line and well-developed characters. There is so much that rings true about the decisions, doubts, insecurities, and obstacles that a couple like Edy and Hassan would have to face that the story is enjoyable and intriguing. I love the way it examines relationships and personal motivations at a variety of levels. The excerpt for book 3 has me on the edge of my seat with its promise of even harder choices to be made that will undoubtedly impact Hassan and Edy's relationship. I can hardly wait!! Great Job Shewanda Pugh!!
When Edy Phelps falls hard for her best friend, she knows nothing can come from it. Forget actual chemistry, or the fact that she cherishes his mother more than her own; centuries of tradition say that Hassan will grow up, marry the girl his parents pick, and forget his best friend: the dancer with the bursting smile. Except he can't. In a world erupting with possibilities for the boy with a body of steel and dreams of the NFL, everything seems promised while nothing at all is; when he's denied the girl he wants most.
Two hearts. Two families devoted through generations of friendship. Could Edy and Hassan really risk all that? And yet ... how could they not?
My Review: (5 Stars)
The characters come to life in a story that is expertly crafted and 100% believable. I love when I can feel what the characters are experiencing and find myself pulling for one over the other at various points in the plot. I enjoy the back-and-forth of uncertainty. Shewanda Pugh's writing style is clear and realistic and powerful. I can hardly wait for the next book.
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