In two weeks, my newest novel (Premonitions: Dream Catcher Series ~ Book One) will be released. With all of the preparations completed and a little time on my hands, I've been looking forward to the holiday season and ways to promote all of my books. And then, it hit me that I should also be looking backward and appreciating those things that brought me to this point.

Thank you. Those words go out to all of the people who have blessed me with encouragement, financial support, criticism, and even rejection. Yes, even the negatives are blessings. I am strong because of those investments. I have stories to tell because of the many experiences people have given me. I know sorrow, disappointment, and despair. But I also know courage, kindness, optimism, and perseverance. Consequently, I am that tenacious person who will always seek a way to accomplish my dreams.
For so many reasons, I feel fortunate. Personal setbacks have not destroyed or deterred me even when they have distracted me from my goals. I've had opportunities for wonderful accomplishments. Now is the time to take a breath, not push so hard for a minute, recognize all that I have, and be grateful.

I am fortunate to call myself a writer and blessed to be a published author. My words touch people. Their responses touch me. And I know, beyond a doubt, that this is the fulfillment of a destiny that was set long before my birth. God has smiled on me, held me through struggles, and sustains me today. Yes, I am among those fortunate enough to know that who I am is who I was meant to be, and that I am constantly growing towards a higher destiny.

My books are purely for entertainment. No, they do not solve the mysteries of the world or even give insight into its problems. They do not pretend to be high literature. What are they? They're just stories that create moments where we can (hopefully) relate to the personalities and predicaments of characters who reflect what we know and experience in a way that draws us away from our troubles, or at the least give a glimpse of the happiness that can lay beyond them. I write about ambitious women, dedicated men, and conditions that present challenges to many people. And in all of my books, I find that silver lining that is the beginning of the Happily Ever After. Yes, I am fortunate to consider myself a story teller.
So, as I'm awaiting the Oct. 28th release date for novel number four, I'm also soaking in the knowledge that I am blessed to be able to create. For this, I will feel fortunate forever.
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