Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sign Up to Review Premonitions Before it is Released

October 28th is the official release date for Premonitions: Dream Catcher Series ~ Book One. However, you have an opportunity to read and review the book before it is released. Just go to the Reviews Only Tour link below and sign up to post a review on Amazon, Goodreads, or your blog.

As the first book in this three-part series, Premonitions introduces Chaz and Stephanie, who are drawn to each other and bound by psychic occurrences.  Here is a short excerpt:

She unbuttoned her blouse and he ran his hands across warm flesh. It felt good to touch her. When she turned to toss her garments across the lone chair in the room, he reached out and slid his fingers across the tattoo that ran from the center of her right shoulder halfway down her back. It surprised him although he didn’t know why it should.
“It’s a dream catcher,” she explained in response to his unasked question. “Considering my gift, it seemed an appropriate illustration of my identity.” She pulled her hair to the opposite side so that he could get a better look at it.
“Aren’t they supposed to filter out bad thoughts?”
“But a bad dream is what brought us together.”
“That makes it a good dream.” A smile tilted her lips as she turned to him.
Chaz kissed her forehead. “You’re amazing,” he whispered before stepping out of his jeans. Stephanie ran her hands along his thighs as soon as his body had been freed. She smiled at the overwhelmed expression in his eyes and ran a finger up his chest, across his neck, and along the edge of his jaw.
Mesmerized, he had another fleeting thought that this shouldn’t be happening, a thought that spoke of their emotional rather than physical bonding. Stephanie watched him and knew she didn’t quite understand the depth of his struggle. So, she waited. She kissed his chest and his shoulder and the side of his neck. Her fingers moved purposefully over his body, content to learn each curve and ridge of the muscular man standing naked in her bedroom. He was beautiful.
Then, his strong arm held her hips tightly against him. His lips moved against hers in a way that brought lightheadedness. She was lost, and he knew it. They both were.

Sign up to get an Advance Reading Copy (ARC) so that you can post a review:


  1. I am a reviewer with my Book Club, Readers Paradise. My name is Laverne Brown (Missy) My reviews are on Amazon, Goodreads and Facebook.

    Please advise the # of pages in Premonitions.

  2. Hello Missy. Thank you for commenting. Premonitions is 196 pages.
